Convert PlantUml Sequence Diagrams to Mermaid
Convert PlantUml
Render Mermaid
@startuml autonumber skinparam sequenceMessageAlign right title This is the diagram's title header first part participant Participant as Foo actor "this is an Actor" as Foo1 boundary "this is a Boundary\nwith long name" as Foo2 order 100 #555 control Control as Foo3 box insignificant participants are here entity Entity as Foo4 order 30 database Database as Foo5 order 10 #a74 collections Collections as Foo6 order 20 queue Queue as Foo7 #7F2 end box group #666 First authentication Foo -> Foo1 : To actor Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary Foo -> Foo3 : To control end Foo -> Foo4 : To entity == This is a break == Foo -> Foo5 : To database ... Foo -> Foo6 : To collections ... time goes by ... Foo ->> Foo7: To queue ' this is a comment Foo1 -> Foo1: compute note right #444: internal process Foo2 <-> Foo3: bidi group Authentication Foo->Foo3: Authentication Request activate Foo3 Foo<--Foo3: Authentication Response destroy Foo3 end note left #643 Left of control end note note right Right of participant end note note left of Foo left of participant end note note over Foo1,Foo3 #64f over actor and control end note @enduml
Click "Convert" or "Render" buttons on the left to view the diagram here